Tel: +49 541 770811
Responsible for content according to § 55 II RStV: Agnes Bünemann
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Because the content of external websites is not under our control, we cannot assume any liability for content or design, nor for any potential infringements regarding existing laws, including trademark and title rights on pages linked to from this website. We also want to make clear that opinions stated on linked websites do not reflect those of our organisation. This is true for all links on our website and for all content on websites you can reach through links or banners.
The content of our website has been compiled with meticulous care and to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot guarantee for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained. We do not assume liability in case of errors or omissions on our website.
Photos:trgowanlock, shutterstock, hatchapong, marekuliasz, Elena Lifantseva