The Gemeinschaft für textile Zukunft (GftZ) has been extensively working on the topic of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for textiles. EPR entails creating organizational structures that place an obligation on producers to produce recyclable materials and goods, use recycled fibres and promote the development of future technologies for processing and recycling fibres from used textiles. This requires legislative regulations to ensure funding and the achievement of the goals. On this subject, GftZ has created information materials and position papers, some of which have been published in collaboration with other organizations.
Amendment of the Waste Framework Directive - Joint Statement by GftZ, BDE and bvse
Waste Shipment Regulation; Analysis of GftZ for implementing the waste shipment regulation
TEXTILE FUTURE - Information – Background – Strategies for the use of used textiles
Extended Producer Responsibility for textiles Joint statement of BDE, bvse, GftZ and NABU
November 27, 2019
EPR for textiles - Discussion Paper of the GftZ
Only in German available: Diskussionpapier zur erweiterten Produzentenverantwortung für Textilien
Link: Diskussionspapier zur erweiterten Produzentverantwortung